Thursday, September 6, 2012

art diary

So I keep a diary. I’ve kept one since 2000. I’ve actually gone through 2 whole diary/journal books and am in the middle of my third. Some days I feel like writing long, wordy paragraphs, making sure to jot down every detail of my day. While others, I simply say to myself, “Self, I don’t really feel like writing, but there are some events that need to be documented”. On those kinds of days, I just make lists; bullets, numbers, stars, smileys, whatever to differentiate one topic from the next. Now here’s the exciting part! Guess which type of day it is today?? (I’ll give you a hint: not the first one) Since my journey of life/highschool/maturity kind of overpowered my art journey this summer when it came to documentation, this post will be like a game of catch-up—a summer overview, if you will.

1.       Think about your goals for AP.
a.       Hmm…think think think…I really just want to keep going in the direction I was heading last year. I think I’m fairly prepared for this class and just need to continue my level of motivation and determination in order to meet deadlines (preferably without staying up all night) and stay inspired to create work that I’m proud of.
2.       What skills do you have? Strengths? Weaknesses?
a.       Well. I take some pretty darn good pictures. Most of the time. I like using interesting angles and capturing things at their best. I also have a talent in writing funky fonts, doodling, photoshop/editing, and page layouts. Weaknesses, you make ask?? Drawing faces… in all my sketches, the people are faceless. (except for one page where I tried to draw faces of people…but then realized they’d probably be terribly offended if they saw what I thought they looked like…) A weakness I improved on last year was painting with a looser style. Before, I was a smidge uptight with my paint and brush and a total perfectionist. Last year, in painting II, I was able to relax and was comfortable with seeing my marks and mixing color on the canvas.
3.       What subjects do I hope to develop?
a.       I’m kind of confused by the question, in all honesty. But I’m guessing maybe what do I hope to accomplish as an artist skill-wise…? Maybe? Maybe not. Oh well. My ultimate goal is to one day paint/draw a self-portrait that looks like me. But that may not happen this year either. I guess I don’t really have an answer to this question.
4.        What are the 5 top projects I feel I MUST do??
a.       1. Combo-piece of a photograph and my own drawing. Ever since I saw Aimee Violette’s senior showcase, there’s been one photo that she added a drawing of a couple on to it, and it’s been in my mind ever since. 2. Collage that honors my car, Gerald. For he is no longer with us. 3. A picture/painting/drawing/photo that is really really long, but not very wide. I like the visual appearance of the canvas shape. 4. Design an affective poster that grabs people’s attention. 5. A piece with myself in it, in some way/shape/form.
5.       Do I plan to study art/related field in college?
a.       Nope. 
6.       Why am I taking AP?
a.       It was my ultimate goal when starting out art in high school. I wanted to be one of those crazy-cool, artsy-fartsy seniors who live in the art room :)
7.       What do I hope to get out of this class?
a.       As stressful as the schedule and deadlines may be, I hope to get relaxation and enjoyment out of this class. It’s not a notes and computers and test kind of class. It’s where I can be free and express myself and just hang out. It’s also awesome that this class will give me the chance to get to know people better that I wouldn’t normally spend that much time with.
8.       Am I willing to spend my own money on supplies?
a.       Already have :P but yes, I find it important, so I have no problem with spending some cash now and then.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the summer sum-up! 

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